Tonight was the first Tuesday Adults night class for term four. Other classes are on Wednesday mornings and Thursday nights … dates and times can be seen on the CLASSES page or you can ENROL online. Children’s classes start next week… and again you can ENROL online.

But the BIG news is that ClayMotion is relocating – we are moving into Central Ballarat – 34a Mair street to be exact …. which we are very excited about. We love that we will now be more central to the Ballarat community – drive, catch a bus, walk, or ride your bike!
As part of the move we will also be able to offer more services including more class choices, such as mosaics; casual studio space hire; exhibition space; locally made giftware; and a wider range of pottery and art supplies; plus continuing our existing services of birthday parties; firing service; mums and bubs; teambuilding and professional development.

Before moving into the new premise we have had to repaint, remove carpet and build work benches…. followed by moving in all the tools and equipment – a huge job! The first week of classes are being held in the Dunnstown studio, but we plan to be operating in Mair street for week two of classes, and we are well on schedule to do so!
And our first new class for the premise we are offering MOSAICS – this class is a unique blend between pottery and mosaics because students will create a sculpted centrepiece for their piece and build a mosaic around it using ceramic shards – click HERE for more info.

Children’s CLASSES will begin in the new premises, and will be held on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings. ENROL HERE

We are super excited about our new development at ClayMotion and hop you are too !!
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