Term Four Pottery Classes Start This Week

Term Four Pottery Classes in Ballarat Start This Week

Well those school holidays went fast!

Adults classes are back this week with kids the following week.

Adults classes are available on Tuesday and Thursday 7-9pm and Wednesday mornings 10-12noon. There are a few spots left so visit the SHOP for enrolment information.

Kids classes are on Wednesday afternoons 4-5.30pm or Saturday mornings 10-11.30am and there are also some vacancies in these sessions which you can claim via the SHOP.

Don’t leave it too late – you don’t want to miss out!

And remember that you can also purchase gift certificates for any classes. The certificate is valid for twelve months and are also available in the SHOP.

Have a great week 🙂

ClayMotion Student Masterpieces!!

Student Masterpieces from Term One Pottery in Ballarat

ClayMotion pottery classes are now well into term two with lots of creative energy bouncing around the studio.

But what about term one? Here are some pics of finished student works from last term … don’t they look great!

Creative Fun in the First Week of Term Three – Pottery in Ballarat

What a start to term three with three busy pottery classes!! The studio was a hive of activity, and below are some pictures of the creative fun had by all…. enjoy 🙂

There are still two spots available in the Wednesday morning and Tuesday evening class – Thursday is completely full…so enroll soon and join in the fun 🙂

Pottery in Ballarat – Adults class starts this week

ClayMotion adult classes start this week, and there are three class times to chose from:

Tuesday evening 7-9 pm
Wednesday morning 10-12 noon
Thursday evening 7-9 pm

AND there are still a couple of vacancies in each class!!

My advice – be fast!!

Enroll via the SHOP page or ring me on 0438382522

And remember there are GIFT CERTIFICATES available for all classes…. an ideal gift idea!

Check out some of the FAB creations made in term 2 classes and get inspired 🙂

Pottery in Ballarat – Term Three Class Dates & More

Term Three Pottery Classes

Term three classes for adults & kids begin on the 15th & 22nd of July and enrollments are available online HERE or call me on 0438382522.

AND GREAT NEWS – new class times have been introduced : Adults Tuesday evenings 7-9pm and Children Saturday mornings 10-12noon

The next weekend workshop to be held will be a pit firing workshop over the weekend of  26-27th September. This workshop is suitable for all skill levels, and casual classes can be undertaken to make ceramic works suitable for the workshop. Information on this workshop can be seen HERE.

Picture 051_18_1_1_1

Remember also that clay and ceramic tools are available to purchase online and at the studio, and some glaze ingredients can also be purchased at the studio (these will soon be available online also).

clay and tool combo

clay and tool combo

Don’t forget to follow ClayMotion on Facebook and Instagram!

See you soon 🙂



Mid Term Enrollments Welcome!

Well here we are almost half way through term – that went fast!!

There has been lots of creative fun in classes over the past few weeks, including hand building wheel throwing, sculpting, glazing, bad jokes, good jokes – the list goes on…

And in the lead up to Winter in Ballarat the wood fire is always on!

Good News: mid term enrollments are welcome, and currently there are limited vacancies in the children’s after school class and the Wednesday morning adults class. When enrolling mid term you pay for the amount of weeks left in the term at the term rate (not the weekly casual rate).

Simply email me on ceramic_art@iprimus.com.au or phone me on 0438382522 to organise your enrollment.

And don’t forget to like ClayMotion on Facebook And follow on Instagram!

Here’s some pics of work so far this term to tempt your creative juices 🙂

Term Two is Here

I am a bit behind in organising term classes as I went on holidays this past school break – an unusual event for me!

But, I am now getting back in routine….

Adults classes begins this week, and kids classes start next week – times and dates are available on the CLASSES page.

Mid term enrolments are also available, I simply calculate the fees based on how many weeks are remaining in the term.

I have also decided to introduce casual fees for both adults and kids classes considering that some people can’t commit to a full term due to work commitments, or that they may be unsure of whether they will enjoy the classes (though I am sure you will!)

Casual fees are: Adults casual rate $19.00 Childrens casual rate $15.00 plus the usual additions of clay and firing.

Feel free to share this information with friends and family that you think will enjoy pottery!


Term One So Far

Well with two weeks left of term one the past eight weeks have been very productive with lots of fun creations happening in the studio.

This is the first blog post for this term, without me even realizing it – is it just me or has the time FLOWN!! I will definitely have to be conscious of the weeks in the future!

So with time flying so fast there is now only two weeks left of term, then a two week break, then term two begins. Term two is an eleven week term due to term one being a short term because of Easter – the term begins on 15th April and runs through till the 25th June. I will be sending out a newsletter in the near future so subscribe to receive future updates.

And remember that gift certificates are available for all classes and workshops – and make a great and unique pressie 🙂

And now for what we have all been waiting for – some of the great work that has been produced so far this term …. 🙂


Term One Pottery Classes Begin soon

Term One Pottery Classes begin soon for Ballarat and Surrounds

Hello ClayMotioners – hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year.

Term one is a short one due to Easter, beginning on the 28th January till the 26th March for adults and the 4th February to the 25th March for kids.

The CLASSES page and the SHOP have both been updated to reflect new dates and prices.

I suggest you enrol as soon as possible as last term classes were bursting at the seams!

This gives me only a couple off weeks to get the studio cleaned up – Yikes! Any volunteers?

And don’t forget ClayMotion also runs healthy kids birthday parties, creative teambuilding for business and professional development workshops for artists and creatives – so spread the word.

See you soon 🙂




Pottery Classes draw to a close for 2014

Well I finally caught up on all the firing for 2014 – the end of term four is a busy time with students wanting their work before a eight week break! Also lots of work is for Christmas presents or Christmas decorations.

Term One begins at the end of January, and I will be updating the website with times and dates in early January…. so check back for updated info or subscribe to the blog for information direct to your inbox 🙂

In the meantime I hope everyone had a great Christmas, and all the best for the New Year…

To end 2014 here are some pictures of students works from the last couple of firings 🙂