Busy Hands in the Studio

As term Two comes to a close I would like to share some images of some very busy hands in the studio.  Term Three promises to be another fruitful term, so be sure to enrol in classes early so as not to miss out on a place – numbers are limited!

Here is some inspiration 🙂

Bowl and Plate Making workshop

An unusual spout of warm Autumn weather greeted participants in the Plate and Bowl Making Workshop on Thursday afternoon, and its amazing how much impact the weather has on enthusiasm and creativity! (Although, I think these students would have been enthusiastic regardless)

The group was a mixture of mums, therapists, art school teachers and a person who received the workshop as a birthday present using a ClayMotion Gift Certificate.

The workshop explored making different shaped bowls and plates using everyday objects as moulds, and then experimented with different decoration methods using coloured slips, texturing, marbling and sgraffito.

Some great bowl and plates were produced, and everyone had a great time.

ClayMotion workshops are a great way to explore pottery if you don’t have time to enrol in a ten week course, and are run periodically throughout the year.

If interested subscribe to this blog for updates 🙂

Following is a gallery of the fun on the day…

ClayMotion Birthday Party

Apart from a bit of wind Saturday afternoon was a gorgeous day- perfect for a 9 yr old birthday party!

Six happy kids, clay, coloured slip, lollies, balloons, sponge cake with jam and cream – what more could you want?

Creativity was all the go, and it didn’t take much to coax it out of these children – maybe next time i’ll add drawing funny faces onto the balloons!!

ClayMotion offers children’s birthday parties on most weekday afternoons and weekends – but don’t worry adults can have pottery birthday parties too (and hens afternoons or nights) simply message me to organise numbers and times.

Pottery parties are a great alternative to ‘junk food’ parties and the children receive something solid that they have created to take away with them.

Visit the Children’s Parties link for more information about booking 🙂