Mums and Bubs Session with the Gordon Playgroup.

This morning I travelled out to Millbrook, only a ten minute drive from the ClayMotion studio, to workshop a mums and bubs session with Mums from the Gordon Playgroup at the Millbrook Community Hall.

The community hall was once a primary school established in 1877, I guess during the prosperous gold rush era. The grounds also boasted a time capsule, marked by a stone and plaque, due to be opened in 2035 (I think, off memory). I wish I had taken a photo!

Mums made a plate which they decorated with coloured slip and decorative stamps…. plus baby handprints or footprints – a great and treasured lasting memento! There was even a grandmother participating who created a plate with her grandchildren’s prints.

Everyone had a great time with the group deciding they would have future sessions where we would make different clay mementos.

Mums and bubs sessions can be conducted from my studio or where your mothers group meets on any day of the week that doesn’t clash with my studio classes – simply contact me to discuss your needs 🙂

And finally, here are some photos from the session 🙂

Mothers Group Activities in Ballarat at ClayMotion

Mums and Bubs in BallaratEddy 001_1_1_1_1_1

Last Friday afternoon was yet another great session of mums and bubs at ClayMotion.

Eight mums and babies, and a couple of nana helpers, eagerly plunged head on into creating plates which will be keepsakes for both them and their children for many years to come. Although it may seem to be a simple case of pressing hands and feet into wet clay, many of the mums expressed a genuine enjoyment in being able to explore some creativity and self expression with how they went about individualizing and decorating their plates – which is fantastic!

Being a mum myself – my babies are now 19 and 22 (yes they are still my babies) – I can remember those early days of being too tired and busy to be creative and spend time developing my own sense of self and satisfaction, and I believe these sessions are a great way to achieve these needs whilst still being with your baby and amongst the company of peers – it is a win-win!!

ClayMotion Mums and Bubs can be organised most mornings or afternoons with a few weeks notice. The cost is $32.00 per mum and bub, which includes all materials, tuition and firing costs AND a cup of tea or coffee!! Enquiries can be made by emailing me or phoning 0438382522 🙂

And so without further ado here some happy snaps from Friday’s session ~~