Tuesday Tutorial – check out our Pinterest Board

Did you know that ClayMotion is now on Pinterest?

Todays Tuesday Tutorial comes from the Pinterest account – a tutorial board with lots of cool projects which will continue to be added to – so get clicking and check it out!



Tuesday Tutorial – handles

Today’s Tuesday Tutorial focuses on handles for mugs, jugs, casseroles- anything that needs a handle!

The video comes from the Ceramic Arts Daily website, and the presenter focuses on a different take on a more decorative handle, but the technique of attaching and paying attention to balance and form are the same for any handle being attached to any vessel, whether wheelthrown or handbuilt.

Enjoy, and remember to drop back in next week for the next Tuesday Tutorial 🙂


Tuesday Tutorial: Using Kitchen Gadgets and Textured Slabs to Create Square(ish) Nesting Bowls

This weeks Tuesday Tutorial comes from the Ceramic Arts Daily website and is a great project using everyday kitchen objects as tools, and incorporating textures. It is also a great introduction to cutting darts in clay in order to make different and diverse shapes.

I am a great advocator of using kitchen gadgets and found objects when hand building, and use skewers, toothpicks, chopsticks, spatulas, forks and any interesting plate/bowl shapes that can be used as moulds.

This tutorial is easy to understand and has a photo essay of the steps so is easy to follow…. enjoy 🙂




Tuesday Tutorial – square forms on the pottery wheel

Happy Tuesday!

Over on the ClayMotion Facebook I have been sharing tutorials on Tuesdays for quite some time now, and it recently occurred to me that I should share them with ClayMotion blog followers too….so here we go:

Today I am sharing a tutorial from the Ceramics Arts Daily website: How to Make Squared-off Forms on the Pottery Wheel

This is not an overly difficult technique. For my students who can throw on the wheel, most of them would be capable of completing this project….and if you can’t throw on the pottery wheel, this project could be adapted to a hand built form – build your mug, or whatever form you would like to use, and then apply the technique from there.

So, give it go 🙂